Monday, July 9, 2012

Cap Corse

We spent a full day travelling from St Florent to Bastia even though it is only 25 km directly across the peninsula. We travelled up the west coast with its extremely rugged coastline and very narrow winding road. It is however, one of the most beautiful drives if you get a chance to look at the view. There are many beautiful beaches, mostly gravel, high cliffs overlooking the coastline, Genoese watchtowers and totally spectacular scenery.

Across the very north, you can only access it via a walking track except for Barcaggio where there is a modern marina full of luxury yachts and rich people. We visited the honey and wine villages of Rogliano and Macinaggio but being Sunday afternoon, we missed out on tasting. We did sit and have lunch on the breakwater with the water surging up to our ankles.

The east coast of the cape is still rugged but not as mountainous as the western side. There are lots of wineries, fruit trees and opposed to rocks and cactus on the west coast.
Our favourite village of the day was Erbalunga where the pedestrian only sector on the coast even boasted a Michelin starred restaurant overlooking the very quaint little harbour.

We arrived in Bastia and found another Napoleon mad city. We selected Bonaparte Hotel, just up the road from Napoleon Hotel and look forward to exploring Bastia in detail.

                                          Gail's view.

                                                      Rob's view.

                                        Erbalunga's harbour setting for its Michelin restaurant.


Anonymous said...

I think I would have been standing back and looking at the view with Mum.


Amanda said...